Thursday, September 19, 2013

Make Money At Home

Hello everybody! Today, I would like to present my real life story with the connection of ‘’making money at home’’. I will focus my mind only for generating creative information that might lead to any reader of this blog to think once about new and trusted way of making real money in their own home. I am going to explore my experiences on this post at far as possible. In this new generation, there are so many fields to be invested money in order to make yourself educated, standard, intelligent mainly in the areas of education, food, clothes, entertainment, automobile, insurance, health etc. but income is zero so that loan taking from those “who have” and will be doubled after few years with the interest. There are various problems and difficulties in our daily life. Once we born and will die one day, its true and natural. During the times of that you have a lot of energy and can do creative work, can do struggle. So why would you do worry about yourself? There are so many ideas of making money in your own home for place suitably with you. But be careful that your earning ways must be valid. Never do copy whatever the others do. Do yourself something in different ways. If you are eager, if you are honest, if you are laborious, you can get help and support from your family, friends, government, bank etc. earning money is not easy task, but it will be easy if you understand yourself that means your situation. Be conditional sometimes do according to your situation. If you have “Will Power”, you can adopt anything valid ideas of making money and can be rich in the coming up days in your surroundings. You have to analyze more times before doing something. Separate the merits and demerits are much more which is also a valid, and then you can do that work. Similarly I have summarized my own money making ideas which made me today, a wealthy and tensionless. I will feel proud when you become like me after reading and adopting these techniques.

To make real money, you should follow the following tips. These ideas can lead you to become an established business person in your own society and market.

Poultry Farming: - Generally, poultry farm is a farm or place where hens, ducks, geese, turkeys, etc. kept for eating meat or for their eggs. If you have some land required to build a form for poultry, you can earn money a lot that you never be expected. You can “make money at home” around $1500 per month” you can save this amount of money easily.

Fish Farming: -   It is less expensive than poultry farm. Few amount of money on your own land. Fish farming can be launched in land as well as in ponds or lakes or in special cases, in ocean if your home is beside an ocean. You can learn to make money farm fish farming in details. You can earn/make money up to $16,666 in. every 6(six) months. 

Pig Farming: - Pig is a domestic or wild animal. You can nourish baby of pig (piglet) easily than the other farming. Though, it is a dirty animal, we can make it fresh, clean and germ-free by keeping cleanliness twice or three times a day. You can buy around 4 kg of a young pig (piglet) from your own local market in around $60 at first after nourishing it for 6 to 8 months, the weight of piglet will increase up to 80 kg or 100 kg or more than that, and at that time, you can sell it for meat purpose at around $ you can calculate your benefit as:-   

          Benefit = selling cost – Buying cost – nourishment cost for 6 to 8 months.
                      = $333 - $60 - $40
Pure benefit = $233 (from only one young pig after 6 months).

If you buy around 6 piglets (young pig or baby of pig), then you can “make money at home“ by this way will be:
Pure benefit from 6 piglet = 6 x $233 = $ 1398.
You can buy and nourish as per your capacity. The nourishing material for piglet is very simple. 

Goat Farming: - Goat farming is one of the easiest ways of “making money at home”. Anyway who have small budget and small land area can simply establish goat farming. This is another best way you can earn money with low investment. This is another best way you can earn money with low investment this type of business can lead by anybody from inside your family even women too. Goat breeder can collect around $ 333 money from just one quality goat within one year. If you breed 12 quality goats, then you can definitely make money around $4000 per year from only goat farming. This amount of earnings might exceed depending upon you care of goat with its feeding process. Now, the time has come to think that if you start breeding maximum number of goat that you can afford of quality kids.

Mushroom Farming:  If you have moist land or cool land area or a cottage with cold air inside it, you can make money from mushroom farming easily. This is very easy task of growing mushrooms at home. You can earn a lot of money staying at home from this business. If you are a farmer, then it will be very comfortable  to cultivate the mushrooms in your own cottage. You might be known the cost of mushrooms in local markets. It is expensive as it can be used in curry, food, medicines. So most of the human beings want to use mushroom as it contains a lot of nutrients giving energy to our body. You can sell mushroom at $5 or above  for a kilogram of mushroom. You can make money around $500 per month  from Mushroom Farming. 

Cow Farming:-  

Fruits and Vegetable Farming:-

Flowers Farming:-


Mobile Repairing Center:- As the cell phone user increases, Mobile Phone or Cell phone repairing center is opening day by day. So think once that Mobile phone is an electronic device which is used to communicate across the world. Without communication, no body can stay alone a minute without a Mobile Phone. So there might be another wonderful alternative to make money at home is to build a Mobile Repairing Center with the installation of newer generation of cell phone at home. I have one friend and he repairs all brand of cell phones. According to him, a awesome mobile phone technician can save money about $250 to $500 per month. So why don`t take training from top trainer for your  Mobile Repairing Center. 

Laptop / Computer Repairing Center:- In 1945, only Desktop computer was introduced into this world.   Computer was used to keep record of  very important data files in military purpose only at that time. But, In this advance age, every person has approach to use Laptop / Computer for their different purposes. Without Laptop/ Computer, we can not perform any work commercially. In this age, Laptop / Computer is being used by Film maker, Designer, in offices to keep record of various dates, for personal data keeping work at homes, internet marketers, , Programmers etc. A very good computer technician can save about $500 per month.  So, this might be another good alternative to make money at home. Therefore, think once about it and become expert for   Laptop / Computer  and establish your own "Laptop / Computer Repairing Center" at your own home.  

Make Money Online:-   Making money online is one of the free money making ideas for which we need patience, determination and much more contribution in the internet marketing. To make money online, we need the knowledge of English language, basic knowledge of Internet and computer. I honestly should tell you that earning money online will be easy if you can wait. You can make money online depending upon the quality of your content.  Read for more information about how you can save $1000 per month with the  required process, follow the steps from here to make money online

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