Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Make Money Online

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Make Money Online
Today, I am going to explain the whole process to make money online. Here, I would like to describe a step by step guide to make you easy that you will earn money at all staying at your own home through your computer with the connection of Internet service. In fact, earning money online is free money that you do not need to invest any extra large amount of money, but need to work hard to sustain.

If you really want to make money in any field, you should have the following basic characteristics: 

  1.  Determination 
  2.  Hard working   
  3. Belief  
  4. Regularity  
  5. Punctuality  
  6. Honesty
  7. Basic knowledge of internet  
  8. Understanding level of English language.
If you have these eight characteristics that I explained above from (Point 1……..8), then you will definitely earn money through internet freely. All the terms involved to earn money online have been explained inside this Make Money – Blog.  Now follow the basic steps given below:

Ways to make money online:

  •  Sign up for a new Gmail (Google mail) if you don’t have any one Gmail account yet. If you have already Gmail account and if it is active, then you can use it again. But, if you don’t have, click on sign up to create your new Gmail account After creating Gmail account follow the steps to create Free Blog.

  •  Before creating free-blog, you need to know your competitors and your competitors will be the value of your blog’s title. In the process of creating free blog, you need to enter a unique Title for the blog you are going to create.  You should be familiar with that title. Before choosing title, go to: google.com in your browser’s new tab and search any short word or phrases that you are familiar with. After you completed your search, you will see a lot of ads specially Google ads in the top-bar or right-sidebar. If so, I mean if there are 5-6 ads positions either on top-bar or right-sidebar, then this searched word should be your blog’s title or keyword( your blog’s title) which leads you to earn money fast and much more from Google company and from its product called as Adsense. Let us take an example from the following figure for choosing an expensive keyword or Title as shown in the following figure given below: 

<img src="Earn Money Online.jpg" alt="Showing how to choose keyword" height="366" width="640">

Showing how to choose keyword

As you have seen in the above search bar that I have enter a title : Earn Money Online as an example and the search result is showing ads about more than 8, 5 ads on the right sidebar and 3 at the topbar. I could not capture all the ads result of the right sidebar. The ads for the keyword Earn Money Online on the right sidebar were 8 ads. Now I can honestly say the this keyword is search engine optimized. From such type of keyword for your blog title needs to be taken carefully which has maximum number of ads on both topbar and sidebar. Now You can check whether your blog title is well search engine optimized or not. 

  •  Now set up a “Free Blog” from Blogger Platform or for more information, refer to the keyword “Make Money from Free Blog” from where you can get all the required steps about creating a new blog. Follow the mentioned points step by step and finish the work to set up your valuable blog.

  •   After signing up your blogger account successfully, you have to remember or save your blog’s address and user name (Gmail) and Password for the purpose of  login in to post new posts related to the main blog title. Remember that, you never tell your password to anybody. Your password is your key to login in your blog or Gmail.

  •  Now, start blogging (Posting or writing post related to your blog’s title such as If your main blog title is "Earn Money Online" then your blog post title should be the related to the Earn Money Online, for example "Earn Money at Home" ). Create from this way New post as far as possible up to 250 new posts. Create everyday a new posts with at least 600 or more words description for each post. After all, when you write about 200 to 250 unique New posts related to your main blog title, then you can make money online as the following ways:  

  Make Money with Adsense: Adsense is a famous, high paying and trusted online ad serving program that conducts text, image and video ads automatically according to the publishers site or content. It pays publisher ( that is You) on the basis of cost per click (CPC) or cost per impressions (CPM). The ranges starts from  $0.10 to $5 per valid click as the advertiser pays or based on value ( Page Rank) of publisher`s site. Making money with adsense is favourable for the most of the publishers ( Bloggers that is who have their own blog or site). The more traffic flowing on your blog or site, the more money you can earn money. A good income starts if there is at least 1000 regular visitors per day on your blog. At this condition when you apply for Adsense program, anybody can make about $5 or more from per 1000 visitors.

  Make Money from Affiliate Program To be affiliate of other companies like eBay affiliate, Aamazon affiliate, Bidvertiser Affiliate, ClickBank Affiliate Program, Chitika Afiliate, Commission Junction Affiliate Program , Google Affiliate Network, Forex Affiliate Programs, ShareAsale affiliate program, Link Share affiliate program etc. are very easy way to make money online  if you have much more traffic on your site everyday. 

  Make Money from Youtube   : You can make money online by making videos and uploading them into your Youtube account. You can create up to 15 minutes or more than that duration of each video. But, regarding to earn money from Youtube, your video should be quality and newest one that have never copied from any other online video content. Try to make video what the all most user want. Making video content is very easy task than writing text content. The following few and important guidelines help you to make money from Youtube:


  •     Create Youtube account at first if you don`t have any. If you have already a Gmail account, then you can have automatically the Youtube account by default because of all the google products can be accessed by the same Gmail and its password. So you can directly sign in into Youtube account by using your Gmail and its password.

  •     Make videos of similar types. For example if you want to make videos about Travel then all the videos must be related to travel activities and different travelling places. Like we create many posts in our blog to make money, you need to create many quality videos and upload them one by one into your Youtube account and publish it publicly.

  •     When you get many likes, visitors, subscribers on your Youtube videos, then you can apply to become a Youtube Partner and then apply for the Google Adsense and make money online for every clicks and uploading videos etc. To become a Youtube partner, you may need to set up bank account to get money directly on your own bank account.                                                  

  Make Money from Freelancing:- If anybody can make money by staying at home doing works on others sites is known as freelance job and the person who does such type of work is called as freelancer. There are lots of chances earning money online from freelancing. The top and trusted freelancing sites are Odesk, Elance, Freelancer and Guru. 

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