your own free Blog; the steps given below are to be followed:
Ø Open
new Gmail account from “” if
you do not have one. If you have already Gmail account, you can use it.
Ø Open “” to create your own blog in free of
Ø Sign in
first with your Gmail
Ø Put : Display Name= Your own real full
Ø Gender:
Male or Female
Ø Continue
Ø Click
on : Create Your Own Blog Now
Ø Give
Name of your Blog that you like
Ø Blog
Ø Choose a template : I preferred Simple Template
Ø Click
on : Start Blogging
Ø Give
any one Title (Main Topic Of Your Blog)
Ø Click on: New
Post: Give a sub-title for your blog post and write about 350 words in the
compose box.
Ø Click
on : Publish Post
In this
way, you can compose new post and publish your post daily. You can promote your
local business from such free hosted blog and if you would like to
more money from your created blog, you can apply for the Adsense program to
gain much more revenue from your site. There are so many ways of earnings
through internet; I will provide you all step by step and day to day.
daily or weekly posting I mean , to sustain your blog in the internet marketing
or search engine marketing, you should promote your blog on the social media
such as Facebook, youtube, digg, Stumbleupon, myspace, twitter, delicious,
reddit, Slashdot. Keep on commenting on do follow blog and should do forum
posting on those forum related to your blog’s title. You should study my posts
like, social bookmarking, to earn money from your blog. Directory submission
related to your blog’s title is to be done. If you work for your blog such as
you do work in a office to earn monthly salary, nobody can stop you to earn
money by staying at home from your blog. The major parts to be kept in your
mind while you are going to compose your new post are summarized below:
- Your
written content of your new post should be in your own words.
- No
copy of other’s site, but you can study and take the idea from other’s sites.
- You
should compose your new post in “Microsoft Word 7” or above as you can edit
your post’s fonts, size and even you can count the words of your content. You
can see all my blog posts are of same font size.
- Your
post’s words should be at least of 600 words or above. If you can write above
500 words, your blog’s position in the search engine result will be in forward
or good position which makes you to earn much more in very short period.
- When
your Google page rank reaches to 1 then you have to apply for the Google Adsense to earn the real money from your blog. For more information, read my
posts, Blogging, Adsense, Traffic, Social Bookmarking, Forum Posting, and PPC
on this blog. If you have any problem after all, you can leave your problem in
the comment box below and send it to me. Thank you.