is an alternative of Google Adsense. Like as Adsense, it works on the basis of
pay per click (PPC) or Cost per Click (CPC). It is the second largest online
advertising and publisher network which allows you to display Ads on your
website, blog and other types of sites and applications with content from this
highly qualified network.
comparing with Google Adsense, there will not any chance to disable your
account like as Google Adsense. It is easy to install on your blog, website and
other remaining applications too. You can use chitika Ads with Adsense on the
same site as Chitika Ads are non-contextual and do not look like Adsense units.
you become publisher, Chitika charges advertisers to be featured alongside your
site`s content. After 30 days (every month), you get paid. Generally, payments
are sent after your account earns at least $10.00 (USD) for paypal payouts or
$50.00 (USD) for checks. More the website`s traffic, the more revenue you can
earn. So I honestly must say that, to earn from Chitika it depends upon your
site`s traffic.
learn more about Chitika, you can visit its official website: and
study everything you will easily understand what things you have to do for
installing Chitika on your site/Blog/Website/mobile applications etc.