Tuesday, June 19, 2012


A domain is a name which is used to identify the different identification created on the web or internet. Domains like .com, .org, .net etc are called Domains. It is also known as TLD (Top Level Domain), which is not available freely.It is not like blogspot.com,it is only.com. For example, yourdesireddomainaddress.com.This is a typical example of .com domain. It costs $7-$9 for hosting per year. You should buy the domain and must be renewed every year. If you would like to host for 5 years, you should pay larger amount of money than for per year.

Why should we do domain name registration? Because registering your own hosted domain have many advantages over the freely hosted domain (like blogspot.com). Advantages of domain name registration can be understood by the following main point:

  •  It can be easily used to promote your own businesses.
  •  It can be crawled easily by Google,Bing, Yahoo and other many more search engines.
  • Page Rank will increase faster than that of blogspot.com.
  • It is highly secure from being banned while using Adsense.
  • It is trusted in the internet marketing as it has been using by business personnel’s.
  • You can easily edit, manage and put banner ads from local market.
  • You can put/apply Google Adsense and other ads according to your desire to earn money etc.
If you are a blogger, then you can change your currently running blogspot.com into .com domain. Think and search on the internet everyday to find out the better ways to earn money through internet. Till now, I have found that,

  1. Create freely hosted site like…blogspot.com
  2. Promote it by all the ways to increase its Google Page Rank (from posting daily,search engine submission,social bookmarking and networking, forum posting, blog commenting etc.).
  3. When your blogspot.com reaches to PR4, and then you change it into TLD that is, .com domain and keep promoting it all the ways.
  4. Apply for the Adsense when visitors on your site reach at least 500-1000 per day.
  5. If you prefer to earn money from your local market by placing banner ads on your site, you can visit your local market to find spongers/advertisers.
If you follow these all the above steps, you will definitely earn at least $100 per day from Adsense plus other local markets banners too. This is my research and I also have been following these steps. Thank you.

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