Monday, May 5, 2014

Elance Tracker Download

Steps to install Elance Time Tracker on your Laptop or PC are as follow.

  1. Go to Elance Tracker Download , the following dialbox will open. Click on "Save File"

<img src="Elance Tracker.PNG" alt="Elance Tracker">

    2.  After completing the downloading process of Elance Tracker, Open the Trackersetup.exe file         from the folder you saved, the following type of box will open. 

<img src="Run Elance Tracker.PNG" alt="Run Elance Tracker">

  3. Now, click on "Run" , the following box will open showing installing tracker on your computer.       Wait for few minutes to complete the installation process. 

<img src="Installing Elance Tracker.PNG" alt="Installing Elance Tracker">

  4.  After comleting the installation, the Application Install will show the box as given below.                 Click on Continue. 

<img src="Application Install.PNG" alt="Application Install">

   5. Accept the Tracker End-User License Agreement by clicking on "Accept" button with green            background.

<img src="Tracker End-User License Agrement.PNG" alt="Tracker End-User License Agrement">

 6. Now, you are almost ready to use your Elance Tracker on your Computer which looks like as        shown below. 

                                          <img src="Elance Tracker Application.PNG" alt="Elance Tracker Application">

Entering the Username or Email and Password of Elance and after signing in, you can track time period of your hourly job. Before starting hourly job, don`t forget to turn on Elance Tracker. 

After login in into your Elance Tracker, It looks like as given below. 

              <img src="Elance Tracker Application1.PNG" alt="Elance Tracker Application1">

I hope, this post will be useful for you all the Elancer. 

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